Morning Reflection: The Incredible Power of a Focused Intention

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The Incredible Power of a Focused Intention.

I fought against writing this one. I really did. Partly because I know it’s going to annoy at least one person in my life (sorry) but mostly because the things I’ll write about today are kind of personal and easy to misinterpret if you want to.

But after starting several other posts, and only getting 1-2 paragraphs in before experiencing that feeling that the time wasn’t right, I’ve come back to this post to say what I really feel.

So this is me, being honest, and maybe a little too woo-woo for you.

I believe in the energy of the universe. Not the material energy that we harness to power our daily lives, because that’s just there, and doesn’t require any belief.

The energy I believe in is that which exists in a different manner, a more elegant and yet incredibly frustrating model where we struggle to see it, and yet can see the effects in our lives if we are willing to.

And please understand, I’m not talking about a faith in a Deity, that’s between you and your God. This is the reality of an energy that is created and sent forth into the universe through a determined, focused, harnessed and strengthened will, with visualization as its pattern, and emotion as its fuel.

Oh, and action, don’t forget that. Lots and lots of action.

Because the deeper we dive into quantum mechanics, and discover incredible things such as quantum entanglement, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that there is an energy field within all matter that can respond to the other energy fields with which it interacts.

The actions that you perform with the right intensity, the right intention, can create a cascade of causality that changes things around you.

I know what that sounds like, but anyone who’s practiced this kind of living will tell you that it’s true.

We’re even beginning to see scientists study this phenomena. Both at a quantum level, and at a macroscopic outcome in the world, the truth of the power of your intention is beginning to be understood at a whole new level, and the results are fascinating, and in some ways frightening.

I say that because the more you understand, the more you’ll realize how carefully you have to guard your thoughts and emotions.

Because you can truly change your world for both good and bad, by the thoughts you think in your head.

I’m not trying to convince you here, but let me ask you this. Have you ever met that person who just seems to be able to make things happen?

Their results always seem to be more than the sum of their efforts, as if the universe senses what they are doing and leans in to lend a hand. I’ve known a few of these people, and it’s almost as if they make their own luck, as if there were such a thing.

As if their actions, backed up with a strongly focused intention, and with lots of emotion, invite the Universe to play along, and for some reason the Universe can’t seem to resist.

So today, I’m going to invite you to consider very carefully the energy and intention you are putting out into the universe.

Because somewhere, somehow, in some crazy way, the Universe is listening, and you’ll get what you put out there. If you complain, you’ll get more things to complain about.

If you are grateful, you’ll have more things to be grateful about. It’s really that simple, but in an incredible, mindblowing, complex and mystifying way.

The universe is really ours to mold, if we will just be willing to focus our hearts, sharpen our minds, and do the work.

The rest is just a part of your story.

— Dr. Alan Barnes