The case for a terrible honestly.
Do you ever stare at yourself in the mirror? Not for the sake of vanity, or to count the number of new wrinkles, or the see the ravages of time, but so that you can truly see yourself.
If you haven’t, you should try it sometime. Get a stool, and stare at yourself in the mirror, right in the eyes, for a few minutes.
It can change you, if you allow it.
In all of my work here on this page, and especially with those of you who have reached out beyond the page onto messenger and into the realm of coaching, I try to help people reach one singular moment, that can change their life forever.
My passion, my real life’s work, and what is becoming my overwhelming obsession, is to try to reduce or end suffering by helping people really come to know themselves, in what I have termed as a ‘radical self awareness’.
Because when you know yourself, really know yourself, you find out that the world is very different than you have previously experienced.
You find yourself less interested in the opinions and the drama of others, because you have a new found balance in your soul. The things that seemed to irritate you before are less important, because your focus is now on becoming the very best you, as defined by you.
You feel like you are beyond most of the smaller cares, because you have found a peace and perspective that transcends everything you’ve felt before.
When you know yourself, and have made peace with who you are, you find a calm, quiet balance in your soul that allows you to maintain your presence, your kindness and your concern despite the many provocations of life. It can be an incredible thing to experience.
There’s just one catch though, one small detail.
Becoming fully self aware requires a terrible self honesty.
To get there, you have to be willing to examine every thought, unmask every fear, challenge EVERY belief and remove every shred of ego, until you are at last naked before yourself, in all of your strength and weakness; your arrogance and humility, your courage and fear; your hopes and dreams.
You have to go through hell to find you, and once you do, you have to start the journey of healing. Don’t worry, that only takes a little longer than the rest of your forever.
Take heart my friend. I know it sounds difficult, and it is, but I promise you this.
Every faltering step into the darkness of your soul allows you to place another candle of light along the way.
Illuminating, warming and guiding; this light will allow you to see yourself more clearly, and find the peace for which you have been seeking.
Just be honest, open, willing to learn, and brave enough to change.
You’ll get there.
As long as you are still breathing and asking questions, you’ll get there.
— Dr. Alan Barnes