Kindness is the new sexy.
Have you ever met someone who was physically attractive, but mentally and emotionally they were the last person you could ever see yourself with?
Maybe it was the way they talked or laughed. Maybe it was their political persuasion, or their choice of profanity in their communication, or their sense of humor.
Whatever the reason, you realized that even though this person met your definition of attractive by their physical form, the soul inside the substance was never going to work for you. The Lego will never fit together, and you knew that nothing could make it work.
We’ve all been there.
Many years ago, the women in the office I practiced in asked me to look through a magazine claiming to rank the ‘sexiest women’ of the year. They wanted to know who I thought was attractive. I went page by page, giving my honest opinion.
At the end of the magazine, one of the women made an interesting observation. Apparently, all the women I identified as attractive had one thing in common.
They had a kind smile.
I’ve wondered about that over the years since, and realized a powerful truth. The most unattractive people I have ever encountered also had one thing in common – a lack of kindness.
Why is kindness sexy? Kindness is the highest human behavior. Kindness occurs when we give away our own concerns, and embody the spirit of love as we treat another consciousness in a way that recognizes their worth.
When I observe someone who is kind, I know there will also be a touch of humility, a sense of service, a current of compassion and some seasoning to the soul. People who are kind are, in my experience, more willing to listen, to grow, to uplift, and to embrace.
To me, kindness is the greatest sign of a mind that is awakened, aware, beautiful and benevolent. The soul possessed of kindness promises progression, peace, introspection and wisdom.
No matter how ‘perfect’ the physique, if the soul lacks kindness, then the person is shallow.
Today, I invite you to practice kindness, and see how attractive you can become.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes