The beauty of a moment of epiphany.
I don’t know if you feel this way, but as I get older, less and less seems to make sense. Truths from my past become mixed with the questions of today, and clouded in the possibilities of tomorrow.
I find that as my path changes through self discovery and self awareness, the pathway itself becomes more random. As I seek to find direction, I often find more confusion.
But then it happens.
Just at the moment where I feel lost, the answers come.
When I have pushed myself to breaking point, when my mind is a maelstrom of questions, doubts, patterns and possibilities, the clouds part for a moment, and the pathway becomes clear.
Maybe it’s a subject for another reflection, maybe it’s the direction I need to take this work in, or maybe it’s a truth that allows me to serve at a higher level.
I wish you could be with me when it arrives, because I’d love to have the chance to share it with you in person.
I was able to share a moment with 4 amazing women this last evening, who I have had the unique honor and privilege of teaching for the last 3 months.
As I sat with them, listened to their thoughts and shared mine, I felt the gentle energy of another epiphany. This time, it was a confirmation that I am bringing my purpose more into line with my gifts, my talents and my reason for being here.
It’s so hard to describe, but when it happens, it’s like I am enlightened, and the words, thoughts, patterns and energies intertwine, and I feel more connected, more alive, more the person I am supposed to be.
However the epiphany arrives, I am grateful for the chance to learn. Just as I am so grateful for the thoughts, comments and feedback that you have given me in this work.
It is an honor to share, even for a moment, in your awareness.
I hope to keep receiving and sharing these things with you. I am so grateful for you, and the chance to serve you.
You mean the world to me.
Thank you.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes