Your offering to the world.
What value is there in a life? How do you measure the worth of a soul, and more importantly, how do you decide your own worth?
It’s easy in this world to fall victim to the lie that you have no worth. Society, the media, literature and even sometimes those around us seem to have a vested interest in promoting the message that we are not enough.
Maybe because of how we look, how we speak, how we travel, the size of our house. There are so many comparisons that sometimes we falter under the weight of it all.
And it’s true that we are different from each other. Some excel in one area, some in another.
Yet we measure our imagined imperfections against the supposed perfection of others, and fail to recognize the truth that we all have value in what we can give; in how we can serve.
What has more value than kindness? How do you measure an act of service that lifts another from the depths of despair?
In the darkest moments of your soul, when the very universe seems stacked against you, a desire to serve others will help you find the humanity within that can lift you out of the darkness.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, I am sure there is something you have to offer the world. Some way that you can change someone’s day, even if only for a moment.
When you serve another person, you are proclaiming that they are worth serving. When your kindness lifts another, your actions declare that they are worth helping. When you give of yourself, your time, your talents and your soul, you profess to the universe that this person is worth saving.
In your unequivocal declaration that another human being is worth something, you will uncover your own declaration of value.
No matter where you are, even if all you have to give is a kind word and a smile, give all that you can today to make the world a better place.
And you will discover that you have value beyond measure.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes