Morning Reflection: Becoming conscious.

April 13.jpg

Becoming conscious.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than an awakened mind. The mind that is conscious of itself, not given to thoughtless reaction or cruel inflection, changes both itself and the world around it.

One of my favorite authors created a character who taught me a great deal about life. One of her greatest quotes went like this… “The trouble is, you see, that if you do know Right from Wrong, you can't choose Wrong. You just can't do it and live”.

Awakening is a complex moment, where you are aware not only of your place in the world and your responsibilities therein, but that you are also in command of your inner world, and can no longer allow yourself the freedom and luxury of thoughtless action and mindless reflex.

Awakening is painful, for the moral complexities require you to balance your own needs with the needs of the world, the species, the universe.

You are now truly responsible to find out who you are, and bring your existence in line with your highest truths and aspirations.

Awakening allows you to see the divine in everyone, and endows you with the responsibility to act accordingly. Kindness becomes your cloak in the dark, and your light in the distance.

From the moment we arrive at sentience, we take our first steps on our journey towards enlightenment, which is a full awakening.

Each day, each hour, brings opportunities and choices to confirm our awakening, and continue the process of shedding our frailties and fears, and taking upon us the mantle of an awakened servant, ready to balance now with eternity, need with responsibility, power with compassion and justice with mercy.

Today, may you find a greater awakening as you seek to understand yourself.

Upon finding emotions that are out of alignment with the truth of yourself, may you change them through the work of understanding, challenging, discarding and ultimately releasing all that is in you that holds you down.

Awaken today, and become the beacon that I know you can be.

Awaken, and step into the truth of all that you are.


I believe in you.

-- Dr. Alan Barnes