Morning Reflection: The Secret of Life

April 16.jpg

The Secret of Life.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

The above quote is attributed to different people, but the truth of the statement is eternal, no matter where it began.

Consciousness is the ability to experience time, and to perceive reality, but perception is often distorted by meaning. Our experience of time is subject to our state during the moment, as Einstein so powerfully alluded to in his monumental works.

I have found that when I am able to discard meaning, and instead perceive in a state of grateful wonder, that my experience of time and my perception of reality are magnified beyond understanding.

In that state, I am able to find a deep sense of peace each morning as I see more leaves growing on the tree outside my kitchen window, marveling at the wondrous organization of energy that creates an organism that responds to light, gravity, temperature and time.

Likewise, I am moved to stillness at the contemplation of a sunrise, heralding the dawn of a new day, where light interacting with our perfect atmosphere creates colors too magnificent to be described, and too rich to be reproduced.

The secret of my life is not what is occurring, but the state in which I observe and interact.

If I approach each event with openness, and a willingness to learn, I find my days full of wisdom and a sublime resonance with the universe. If I approach each act of service with humility and a deep intention to give, then I find a serenity even in the presence of hardship, and hope even in the presence of despair.

Life is an experience. The events of each day are monumental, even though they seem monotonous, and moving although they can seem mundane.

That difference is solely how I choose to perceive.

Awareness is the ability to perceive, and the opportunity to experience.

May you find joy in your experience and peace through your pathway.

The universe is yours to enjoy.

-- Dr. Alan Barnes