Saddle up Your Demons.
Why do you do anything? Simple answer - because it helps you avoid pain, or find pleasure. Slightly more complex answer – because in some way, one of your 6 human needs is either threatened, or can be satisfied.
Complex answer – because the meanings you derive from the action you are either contemplating or have performed will in some way meet or defend one of your 6 human needs in a way that fits within your moral/ethical paradigms.
Whew – that was a lot wasn’t it.
What I tried to summarize there is some knowledge that has taken me a long time to understand, and which I still try to practice with each day. When you can understand the WHY for everything that you see around you, it becomes easier to help those with whom you come into contact.
People make more sense, and you can see the desperation in their actions when they behave in a manner that is not in keeping with their highest aspirations or potential. It also allows you to understand yourself, which has really been my goal all along.
Because I have so many things I struggle with in my own life.
Both things that I do that I would wish not to, and things that I would wish to do that I don’t. Although understanding the reason behind something doesn’t always give me the power to change it right then, it does allow me to try to create strategies for dealing with the problem. Sometimes in a short term plan, or sometimes over a long period of time.
And this has helped me to overcome so many problems in my life.
But coming to understand myself in a deep and significant way has also shown unto me some of the demons that I harbor within my soul, and some of my deepest hopes.
The funny thing is that they are often intertwined as the opposite ends of the same root desire. So with a little balancing, you can actually use both to help you overcome your own restrictions.
You just have to make sure you keep the balance healthy.
Because fear will often drive you further in the short term, and hope will keep you going in the long term, but if you only focus on one aspect, you’ll probably either burn out too soon, or not have enough energy to get started in the first place.
But if you combine the two with skill and understanding, you can unleash an energy within you that can overcome just about any problem you currently have within yourself.
You just have to saddle your demons, and ride it with your hopes.
Because when you understand what you really want, and why you want it, both from the darkness of your fears, and the beautiful light of your hopes, change becomes something organic and natural.
Sure it takes times (everything worthwhile does) and yes it takes effort (everything worthwhile does), but change in the direction you want to go is always worth the work.
And when you really, really know WHY you are changing, you’ll move forwards to where you really want to be.
At peace with yourself, and everyone around you.
— Dr. Alan Barnes