Morning Reflection: How can I make you feel safe?

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How can I make you feel safe?

Do you remember back to your childhood? Were there ever days where you laid on the grass and stared up into a beautiful bright blue sky with fluffy clouds and felt safe, like you could share your truth with people and the world would be okay? 

Maybe to that one special friend who you knew would not judge you; someone with whom you could share your soul.

There’s something beautiful in those moments, something sacred, something fleeting.

Because as we grow, we generally tend to learn to hide parts of ourselves away. Especially if you’re trying to survive a difficult childhood, where you are exposed to things and situations that no child should have to contemplate. 

But the longer we hide our truth from the world, the greater the burdens that we carry, and the deeper we bury our truth.

Because we are afraid of the reactions and responses of others.

Sharing the truth of yourself can be very difficult. None of us like to feel vulnerable, but the truth is that feeling vulnerable is a sign that we do not feel “safe” in the situation in which we find ourselves. 

In some way, we associate sharing our truth with pain, and so we lock our truth deep away. Usually it’s not physical pain that we fear, although that can happen, but most of the time it’s the fear of judgment, rejection or shame.

Emotional pain is so much more damaging than physical pain.

Most of the time we don’t attach a sense of our self-worth to physical pain, because although it hurts at the time, it doesn’t scar soul in the same way. 

Emotional pain often carries with it a huge negative judgment upon ourselves that left untreated will poison our happiness, dimming the brightness of our soul and decreasing our power to be a light unto others.

But when you find that person who makes you feel safe, who makes you feel that you can say anything, your soul just flares with joy, and the light shines from you ever so brightly.

Because then we can begin to draw the poison from the wound in your soul. When we share our truth with another and are accepted without judgment, finding only love and kindness, we can begin to understand ourselves better, and make peace with the person we find there.

And in finding peace in your soul, you can help others feel safe in their truth.

Part of my goal within this work is to hopefully be a place of safety for you. Even though we may not talk one with another, I hope that you can feel within this work a sense of acceptance, a sense of love and a sense of peace. 

Maybe for one fleeting moment you and I can connect through these words, and allow you to discard the distractions of deception, and come to realize the truth of the beauty of your soul and the grandeur and wonder of the light within you.

Today I want to know that I’m here for you. If you need to talk, please feel free to reach out.

I just want to make you feel safe so that you can grow into the person you have always wanted to be.

Dr. Alan Barnes