Morning Reflection: Focus Your Will On The World

Jan 17.jpg

Focus Your Will On The World

It’s a strange thing, this place we call the universe. One part random, one part cause-and-effect and one part intention. Random we accept, cause and effect we can anticipate. 

But intention, where you focus your will to manifest a result that hasn’t happened yet, that’s where the real magic begins. Because here’s a sobering truth that should at the same time fill you full of anticipation and optimism.

Everything you see was once just intention.

This computer, the mouse, the chair, the desk, the lightbulb, the wall, the carpet. All of those were once intention before they were real. The Internet that allows us to share our thoughts together was once just an idea in the mind of a few crazy people who saw beyond what was and dreamed what could be into reality. 

They probably couldn’t see the end, but they knew what was going to look like. And then they discovered a secret known only to those who have pushed beyond the boundaries of the now into the next.

Intention charts a course for the universe.

I could tell you things about intention, that would make you think I was crazy. Then I’d show you the studies, and then you would really start to wonder about what is real and what isn’t. 

Because the further you dive into the world of intention, the less the universe responds to the Newtonian laws by which we live our day-to-day lives. As a born skeptic it has taken many years for me to see and finally accept the truth that intention drags the universe along with you.

But I’ve seen it too many times now to question.

And yet intention is not enough. You can’t just sit there and will things into existence. We are not that advanced yet. Intention has to be backed up with hard work, and sometimes an almost fanatical level of dedication. 

I used to think that it was just the hard work, and that the intention was just a mental motivation to do the work. Not anymore. I’ve seen too much.

Now I try to be very deliberate and definite with my intention, and follow it through with hard work.

Because I have seen very intentioned people who did nothing and got nowhere and I have seen people who worked hard but without a clear definition and intent and they got nowhere. The work makes it possible but the intention brings it into reality. It all comes down to what you focus on and how hard you focus on it.

Your focus manifests your reality.

Today I invite you to be very intentional. Do what you are doing with a definite sense of purpose, with a definite intention for a result, and see what a difference it makes to your world. 

Resources will appear, pathways will open and the craziest things will begin to come forth.

Focus your will on the world and see what happens .

— Dr. Alan Barnes