The Words You’re Not Saying.
I think we take the miracle of language for granted. I say miracle, because the fact that your consciousness can choose to vibrate air at precisely the correct frequency so that my consciousness can interpret it is mind blowing.
The you that is aware doesn’t know how to do that, and the awareness that is me has no idea how to measure the vibrations and create communication from it.
Yet we make it happen.
And don’t even get me started on the syntax of a language, with its nuances and the incredible depth of meaning that we share in the words that we use. Either spoken or written, our ability to communicate is the gift that allows us to rise above our innate capacities and edify ourselves with knowledge and the shared emotions that enriches and gives meaning to our existence.
But so many of us do not say the words that we really need to say.
Because the only true way to have a meaningful life is to have real relationships. Ones that are built on trust, respect, caring for each other and a healthy bedrock of honest, heartfelt communication. And while we can express some of our truths in a body language and facial expressions, the real truths that we need to convey are often locked deep in our hearts, or even deeper in our soul away from our day to day awareness. Only language can help us to access these truths.
And these are the truths that can set us free.
Most, if not all of us, really crave a deep and heartfelt intimacy. Not of sharing bodies and time, but of sharing our fears, our needs, our insecurities and our desires. I hope that at some point in your life you have sat with another human being in that quiet moment when barriers were dropped, pretenses were shed and raw, naked, human truth was shared in confidence and kindness.
If you’ve had that experience, you know what I mean.
Yet day to day we hold these secrets close in our hearts, and fail to reveal them even to those who are closest to us. In fact, these are often the people that we need to share with, yet we hold back out of a fear that the sharing of our truths will in some way diminish us in the eyes of someone who we value.
In my experience, nothing could be further from the truth.
So today, I invite you to enrich your most intimate relationships with more honest, and deeper communication. Share the things that you have been wanting to say; with kindness, with compassion and with humility.
I have seen time and time again that so many of our problems in life are down to a lack of honest and truthful conversation. Not by phone, not in an email, but face to face, heart to heart, soul to soul.
The truth can set you free, but first you have to speak it.
— Dr. Alan Barnes