Collapsing forever into now.
I wish I could share with you my vision of time, and the way I feel the vastness of eternity, and have you help me make sense of it. I would love to gift you my sense of now, and see if it whispers to you in the way it seems to do to me.
I am mindful that this now is a moment, forever and yet no time at all.
Where I currently sit was once empty space, or whatever there was prior to time. Then time occurred, and space become full of possibility. Somewhen matter assembled into rocks, elements of expression of the mathematically precise arrangement of proton, neutrons and electrons, creating a tangible mass that accreted into a planet.
Upon that surface the place I now occupy was rock, and possibly water, then a desert, then possibly a field. Then we came, with our planning and building, and a house appeared, and a home was born.
Yet I have never been here before, as the planet on which I ride is moving through space. In a true spatial reference, I have never been in this place/time, and never will again.
Directions become difficult when you are dancing in the fourth dimension.
As I contemplate now, I realize infinite potential/possible pasts have collapsed into this moment, and infinite possible futures stream away from every moment I spend here.
When time is your direction, you see the future as a different country, which holds the possibility of never and forever as the eternal players on a temporal scale that can tip either side without warning, or mercy.
In these possible futures, there are times of loss, when I contemplate the potential loss of my wife and children, and these thoughts fill me full of dread and despair. There are times of joy, as I see us together, laughing, travelling, seeing this world and all it has to offer.
These visions beg me to treat them kindly, always aware that the next moment could define their forever memory, or mine.
There are times when I see our species journeying through forever, in a never ending discovery of knowledge, or times when I see our planet, this green earth, as a smoldering ball, devoid of life, degrading in decay, radioactive and inactive, lost in eternity.
The longer I walk in time, the more aware I become of the infinite power of the simple choice; a turn to the left instead of the right, a kind word in place of a cruel one, a moment spent in compassion rather than anger, a life saved instead of lost.
The more I understand time, the greater I fear and respect it.
I wish you could feel time like I do. I wish you could share the burden, and the beauty.
Just close your eyes, feel the future, and see without eyes, and let the vision take you.
— Dr. Alan Barnes