Take what you want, leave what you don’t.
Do you live your life, or do you live the one others want you to live? That might seem like a strange question, but the longer I work with people both in my practice as a healer, and in my work as a coach, I find more and more that people are living the lives they think they should live, rather than the lives that they would live if they were truly at peace within themselves.
I still struggle with this daily.
I listen to very diverse voices in my search to discover and live a life of wisdom my way. I watch very little television. I read, I don’t play video games.
I try to listen to many different sources, often people who are diametrically opposed to whatever point of view I have at the moment, because how can I find the truth if all I ever hear are the same words that I already feel.
When it comes right down to it, there is one truth that I can believe with absolute sincerity. No-one, especially me, has a monopoly on the truth.
From the religious and the spiritual, the political and the anarchical, the supposed ‘wise-people’ and the apparently foolish; all have something they can teach me if I am open to learning, rather than concentrating on judging.
But my truth, with all its inconsistencies, inadequacies and paradoxes, is my truth right now. My greatest mentor taught me a truth when I was in my very early years. “Always keep an open mind” he said, “try to see things from another’s point of view”.
But then live your truth as best you see it, not as others want it to be.
There are times when I am writing or corresponding with people regarding this work, that I feel I have to say something that I feel is the truth, even though some of you, or the person I am corresponding with, may not agree. I honestly believe this is how we find truth for ourselves.
We talk, we listen to viewpoints from others who are honestly trying to find the truth of any situation for themselves, and we take away an understanding or where our truths intersect, and where they diverge.
Such is the nature of communication between two or more people. I always try to assume that the person has an honest desire to find the truth and be as helpful as they can be given all that they carry within them.
I guess it comes down to giving someone the benefit of the doubt for their intentions, even if you may not agree with their interpretation.
As I continue with this work, wherever it may lead us, I pray that you will find some nuggets of wisdom along the way. I really do desire to serve people through this work, even if only to help you realize that there are others who struggle as you do, that your problems are often universal and not personal. That we are so much more alike than we are different.
Along with the occasional nugget of wisdom, you may find things which do not resonate with your truth. That’s ok, in fact it is healthy, and to be expected. I would implore you to take what works for you, and leave what doesn’t.
My goal is that you live your truth, your life, your way, and find peace doing so. I believe deep in my heart that the only way to heal our world is by each one of us finding peace in our heart, and then helping others achieve peace in theirs.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. I really appreciate you.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes