A Simple Harmony for Humanity.
I’ve been meditating today on the concept of the human race as an orchestra. As we drove back down from a much needed soul recharge in the mountains, I marveled at the way every driver on the road was able to interact with each other.
There was no road rage, and very little egotistical behavior. There was simply a beautiful river, majestic trees, eternal rolling mountains, and people cooperating with each other.
And I marveled at the beautiful harmony that we created.
As I considered the idea of myself as a chord of music in the glorious symphony of the human race, I began to see how the melody that I create can affect others, and likewise how I can be affected by the music that they produce.
For some, there seems to be a constant soundtrack of sadness, and a desire to inflict distress on others as a way to temporarily mute the frustration and pain they hear in their own hearts.
There are those who seek to change the music of their soul into a more pleasing melody, finding growth difficult but ultimately worthwhile.
Others, having found within themselves a pure, clean and peaceful song seek lovingly to share with others, creating their own music together in a simple desire to uplift and edify the songs they hear around them.
As I contemplate the music inside of me, I have come to understand that a single note in the cacophony that is our world is never going to be enough.
Just as one violin cannot play every part in the orchestra, so one person alone cannot change the world.
But together, 1000 people can play the music to attract 100,000 or more, uniting in a simple harmony for humanity, that we can create together an opus for all to share, calming, healing, loving, changing, uplifting and edifying all who hear our refrain.
Together, our song can heal our hearts, and the hearts of many more.
I would ask today, if you feel comfortable, to share this work and these writings whenever you feel prompted to do so.
There are so many people hurting, and I truly desire that we may be of help to the world as we reflect together on the truths of our journeys along our pathways to awareness.
By ourselves, we are one note, one drop in the ocean of life. Together, we can become a wave of healing heard around the world.
Helping, healing, harmonizing.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes