Morning Reflection: Awareness will only get you so far

June 7.jpg

Awareness will only get you so far.

There’s something magical about watching someone make an awareness jump. It’s an almost spiritual experience, to watch the realization take hold and see the light in their eyes brighten as they incorporate a new truth into their soul. 

I get to see this as I help people through their struggles, and it’s a humbling thrill to be present in that moment.

The next moment is usually a little less glamorous, because then they realize that the new knowledge is just the first step… and what follows looks a lot like hard work, just after they’ve struggled to break through to where they are now :)

And then the process begins, because a new awareness often requires some kind of action. 

Maybe it’s spending time in meditation to view past behaviors and relationships; maybe it’s taking new action that is scary or intimidating; or maybe it’s having the courage to say “I’m sorry”.

The fun part is helping people realize that when you have incorporated a new truth, the action that you take in response to that awareness brings with it a new form of joy and peace.

When we act from our newly discovered truth, we are becoming more authentic. As you move into alignment with your authenticity, your soul begins to resonate at a higher level. 

You will feel a deeper peace, a reduction of stress and a more child-like enthusiasm. The ‘work’ actually becomes the pursuit of joy, as you find more meaning to life, and a more powerful sense of who you really are.

Although the work after a new awareness can seem daunting; the peace you’ll feel through taking action in your new reality will more than make up for it.

Questions are the gateway to awareness, and awareness leads to a journey of peace.

If you are struggling to reach your next awareness, feel free to reach out, and I’ll see if I can help.

I wonder what you'll discover.

-- Dr.  Alan Barnes