“There’s no point in being a grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes.” :)
I love this quote. It’s from a show that was a huge inspiration to me growing up, and continues to help me learn and progress as an adult. Fiction is amazing that way.
It’s hard to find time to be child-like sometimes, as the responsibilities of all my roles weigh on me, and I see this universe through the eyes of an adult; weary, wary, watching and waiting for the next requirement that I have to fulfill.
How I wish I could find a way to return to the days of wonder, excitement and possibility of being a child, where my greatest responsibility was making sure I was wearing pants, and where a simple ice-cream could fill me full of joy and happiness.
I think many of us struggle as adults, because we are so weighed down with all that we feel like we have to accomplish, become, do. Other than making sure that our basic needs are met, the rest are self-assumed responsibilities that we ‘choose’ to take upon ourselves for fear that we are missing something.
Imagine if there was no one around to see you. Where would you live, what would you drive, what would you wear, how would you live? Who would you help, regardless of why they needed help, and who would you share with?
And then ask yourself why you can’t do this now.
I think we were more carefree as children because we hadn’t bought into the idea that we had to keep up. If you were lucky, you felt like your childhood was ‘enough’.
I have found that those who never felt ‘enough’ in their childhood; because of peer pressure, expectations or the horrors of parental abuse, have a very hard time finding the balance of ‘enough’ as an adult.
Oh that we could take an afternoon, and see the world through our child-like eyes.
Imagine how kind our world could be if we could connect with the child inside.
And see the world in wonder.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes