Giving yourself permission to be human.
A dear friend reached out to me yesterday to share some important breakthroughs that we have been helping her achieve.
For a significant time now, she has been struggling to understand some facets of her personality and emotions that were difficult to explain, and even harder to work through.
As we talked, she shared some very tough emotions, and some long hidden truths. I was so gratified to be able to be present at a time when she was making such a leap forward on her journey, and humbled and honored by the trust that she placed in me by sharing such personal experiences.
As we finished talking, she indicated to me that she wanted to go and bake some brownies. She laughed, and told me that she realized that would be emotional eating and so she wasn’t going to do that.
I think I surprised her when I told her that the brownies were a great idea, and that she should reward herself for the breakthroughs that she had made. The brownies were made, and apparently were very good.
It helped me reflect on the truth that sometimes we try so hard to be ‘everything’ at once that we overwhelm ourselves, and end up losing ground on all of our struggles.
Eating brownies, even for emotional reasons, is not the end of the world. Emotionally, my friend was exhausted, and needed a pick me up as well as a celebration.
Why do we struggle sometimes to extend to ourselves the kindness that we offer to others? Why do we labor under the mistaken belief that we have to be perfect in order to have any value? Who taught us that perfection was the only state worthy of the love and affection of another?
Today, I ask you to find love for yourself, and an acceptance of who you are. I doubt you are perfect, but I am sure that if we were to talk, one with another, I could find many good things about you that would be worth celebrating.
You have value, and are worthy of love, just by showing up as a human being. Remember that we are human beings, not humans finished.
All of us are on the same journey, and wherever you are on that road, whatever you have been through, you have my respect and admiration.
I am grateful for your presence on this earth, and for the goodness you manifest.
Celebrate yourself. You’re worth it.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes