Q: What do you see reflected in the darkness when there is no light?
A: I see the light of the vision I carry within.
Of all creatures on this beautiful earth, we as people are blessed not only with sentience, but the ability to imagine. To imagine is to pierce the veil of time, and entwine our desires with the possibilities of tomorrow.
Imagination allows us to see the potential beauty in untouched stone, the possible grandeur of an unpainted canvas, and the promise of a new born child to become a wise leader bringing guidance and peace to those who will listen.
But sometimes, imagination is not enough of itself. Sometimes we have to wed imagination to passion, potential to power and possibility to determination.
In order to achieve our greatest potential, we need to go beyond imagination, and seek a vision to guide us when there is no light, and to give direction to our decisions in the darkness.
Seeking a vision requires deep meditation, yet sometimes a vision will find you. Not in images, but in feelings, in certainty, and in emotion. When it arrives, it breaks down the walls of your doubt, and sets your feet on a pathway towards your dreams and your destiny.
When your vision is woven through your soul, it will become more powerful than you can imagine. Hearts will change, obstacles will remove, power will be yours in abundance and you will feel like you have become a passenger, carried along on a wave of purpose that lifts you as you lift others.
Embrace your vision, and let it light you from within. When finally you see the pathway before you, you will realize that you have always known these steps, and are remembering a dance not forgotten, just misplaced for a season.
In a universe of chaos, your vision will guide you, empower you, engage you and envelop you. A vision that can change you can change the world.
You have this power, if only you will see in vision your own possibility.
Find your vision, wrap your soul in its warmth, and move forwards forever on your journey.
So I ask, what do you see?
-- Dr. Alan Barnes