There’s Some Good in This world.
Our house is full tonight. Our two adopted-by-love daughters are here with their husbands, and one adorable adopted-by-love granddaughter.
There are air mattresses all over the place, the puppy is sleeping with our son in a room that she is not used to, and generally the house is not as it usually is. I’m writing this in bed, grateful for wireless internet that allows me the freedom to do so.
My sweet wife is in her element, with people to care for. I haven’t seen her smile this much in a long time.
And yet as I write this, I am reminded that there are many things wrong in this world that we share. Although this time of year can be one of joy and happiness, it can also be one of loss, heartache and solitude.
There are many people struggling, emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially. Although I recognize that suffering is part of being human, that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.
That’s one of the reasons that I write this work, in the hopes that it will reduce someone’s suffering either now or in the future.
And it’s hard sometimes, in the face of so many problems, to lose our perspective of life, and become embittered and resentful, and to question if there is any good to be found in this world. If we fall into this trap, we drown our souls in a pool of anger, bitterness and sarcasm, where the kindness and splendor of our virtues are sunk below a surface of darkness and fear.
And we lose that beautiful part of ourselves that makes us most human.
Because our greatest moments as a people, and a species, are when we find that good inside of us, and allow it to pour forth into a world that desperately needs the kindness that we have to share.
It may not be in a grandiose acts of note, or in great gifts that are publicized and recorded, but in our own quiet, dignified and loving way, we can change the course of history for another, as we share from the abundance of our love and gratitude.
That’s how we change history and the world, one act of service at a time.
And this time of year is replete with opportunities to serve. Whether it’s taking cookies to a neighbor, or reaching out to check on somebody, or sharing a smile to a stressed out checker in a store that’s far too busy.
Your service may not seem heroic, but to the one who receives your service, you might just be the savior of their world today. The difference you make could be the difference they desperately need to keep going.
The power of your kindness can change the world.
So today I ask you to share your kindness. Fiercely, proudly and unashamedly. Because while this world can be full of doubt, despair and darkness, it is only through the sharing of our light that we can bring hope into the world.
Although there is struggle, there can be help. Although there is sadness, there can also be joy.
Because there is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.
— Dr. Alan Barnes