The Attraction of Authenticity.
As I was treating a patient in my office today, he remarked on some of the things that he finds enjoyment in. I wasn’t surprised when he indicated that he was looking forward to his next cigar, and a nice glass of Scotch.
He asked me what I look forward to, and after a few moments of quiet reflection I informed him that what I really enjoy, what I absolutely love, is a deep, personal and authentic conversation.
Because I find authenticity to be an endangered commodity in our world today.
I’ve been thinking about that for the rest of the day, wondering why I felt moved to use the phrase ‘authentic conversation’. What is it about someone who is ‘authentic’ that really attracts us? Why do we struggle to be authentic ourselves? How do we let down the walls that we build to hide behind, and walk in the truth of who we are?
And the answers came in one simple word. It’s all about connection.
Because an authentic connection is a joy to our soul. How refreshing it is to be around someone who is just themselves. No games, no pretenses, and no lies to cover the truth of their tracks. The beauty of finding an authentic soul is the encouragement we feel in their presence.
When they are honest about their faults and flaws, and are still able to be happy with themselves, they become a lighthouse for us, guiding us to the truth of who we really are.
And the discovery of ourselves is the pathway to peace in our hearts.
As we become a world more connected, we also seem to be creating a world where we are less authentic than we used to be. Social media allows us to spread the picture of a perfect life, full of joy and wonderful moments, where everyone seems to be fit and healthy, and where life is judged by the value of the house you live in, rather than the depth of love, compassion and honesty in your heart.
But there are souls out there who are just who they are, and they can light up your world.
One of my very good friends is also one of the most authentic people I have ever known. She is an embodiment of love, friendship and kindness wherever she goes.
I think sometimes some people are not sure how to be around her, because her deep commitment to authenticity means that she is unabashedly emotional, and unashamedly honest in all her communications.
When she tells you she loves you, as she does to so many people, she means it. She really, really means it.
And when I am with her, I find myself accessing my deeper, more authentic self. In her presence I can be open with the truths of myself, and discuss them in a way that brings greater understanding and joy to my life.
As I am more authentic with myself, and with her, I find it is easier to speak of the hard truths in my life, and to grow from their discussion.
Authenticity is one of the keys to our growth, but it is also one of the keys to our happiness.
May you find joy on your journey today, and may the truths of your life bring you peace in all that you do, and may you find the courage to let your light shine, and be a little more authentic with everyone who you meet.
The world needs you.
— Dr. Alan Barnes