It’s all in your head.
There’s this one place in your universe. One place that is solitarily yours, and you are responsible for everything that happens there. All of your dreams, all of your fears, all of your motivation and all of your anchors share the same geographical location.
They fight for resources, they fight for time, but in the end they are all found in the place where you dare not go.
The inside of your mind.
It’s what you believe, and what you fear. That’s what’s defining your reality or destroying your destiny. Because there are so many things that are possible, so many interesting experiences out there for you and yet you hold yourself back because you can’t see past what you take for granted that may not be so.
All of the guilt that you carry is a result of the way you have been programmed by life, your parents, your spouse and the various things that you believe.
All of them weigh on you, forcing you to believe that there is a “way” that you have to be. Here’s a newsflash for you.
Be you. Be 100% authentically you.
Don’t listen to the people who tell you what you should be because chances are they have an agenda of their own and you are just a bit player in it.
Decide who you are, and then be that person.
Are you going to make mistakes? Absolutely. But guess what, they’ll be mistakes that mean something because you were trying to be yourself. You learn what you’re made of, you’ll learn where your weaknesses are.
But when you show up to life 100% authentically, you will attract the people who will give you your mistakes because they understand your heart. We all screw up, that’s part of being human. It’s probably the most defining trait that we have.
But not doing anything, because you’re so afraid of every single possible avenue of failure is the ultimate screw up. It’s paralysis of the soul at the behest of someone else’s judgments. I can’t think of anything more abhorrent.
I’ve seen coaching clients scared to make a single decision; begging for somebody else’s approval, admonishment or agreement. If that’s you, stop it. You were never going to enjoy your life living that way. You make everybody else happy at the cost of your misery and they won’t EVER thank you for it.
You have to be you.
So get inside your head and decide that now is the time to actually make a full inventory of who you are. You have strengths, you have weaknesses. You have Angels and Demons. Put a rope around both of them, drag them up close and tell them who is in charge.
Because the only way that you are actually going to leave this life with a sense of satisfaction is when you have been you.
That doesn’t mean you get to treat other people like they aren’t important. It means that if you are going to respect your consciousness then you really have to respect theirs as well. It’s a hard thing to balance, and it’s a constant management of me versus them.
But when you understand that to truly serve people you have to be everything that you are, you finally make the jump about not worrying what people think, and instead focus on what you know to be true.
— Dr. Alan Barnes