That Which I Have to Give.
A guy I consider somewhat of a mentor challenged me today. Not personally, because he’s a multimillionaire, and I’m not exactly in his social circle yet 🙂 but he put out a video in which he suggested that we should just focus on giving value, on helping, and on just doing what we can for others.
And it got me thinking about you, the people who faithfully read and comment on this work, whatever it is.
And I asked myself, what value do I have to give.
Sure, I can write. I think after close to 400 pieces of this work, I’m pretty confident that I can stream words together in a way that makes sense. But somehow, I don’t feel like that’s enough.
If I’m to really give value to you, I feel like I need to do more than just write a pretty sentence or two, coupled with a beautiful picture.
But words and pictures by themselves have no worth, unless they communicate something of value.
So I asked, what else can I give you, and I came to an understanding that part of my gift to you in this work is hopefully a better understanding of who you are, and how much alike we really are.
So many times we feel like we are alone, or the only who faces a certain type of problem, yet in reality there are many who struggle with the same things you do.
Which means that part of this has to be honest in my struggles and my successes.
Sharing is still not enough though, because in order to really give you something worthwhile, I have to not only show you that we all struggle, but I need to help you find your own answers, your own solutions to the things which reduce your peace, and increase the noise of the world in your life.
In short, I need to help you improve your life, if I am really to give value in this thing that I do.
And so I must share, without reservation, the things that I believe can help you the most.
Which leads me to share the things that I’ve found that help others, and by doing so, hopefully help you. Since we can’t control the world outside, the only thing that you really have any control over is your own mind, your own soul.
So if you are going to change yourself in any meaningful way, you only require two things…
Self awareness, and a solution to the problems you find there.
In my desire to serve you better, I want to start focusing more on solutions, not just the awareness part. Because like I’ve told you before, the ‘Aha’ moments are not the end of the journey, but rather the starting point for another journey, fueled by desire and directed by questions.
Because ultimately the problems you face generate the questions that map the pathway to the peace you deserve and desire.
Because the only way this world will come to know peace is when it is written in every heart, spoken in every voice, heard in every ear, and resonated in every soul.
So I will try harder to bring you the peace we desire, and hopefully, fill your soul with joy.
— Dr. Alan Barnes