Morning Reflection: A Deeper Relationship with Yourself

A Deeper Relationship with Yourself.

Yesterday we talked together about understanding that somebody else’s failure to see your worth is not a reflection on your value. 

Today I’d like to share some truths with you so that you can come to a deeper relationship with yourself, and find yourself less concerned with the opinions of others, because you arrive at a place of peace within yourself, your very own sanctuary of the soul.

I cannot promise you that the journey is easy, but I can guarantee that the destination is worth the effort to get there.

Because when you have peace in your soul, and a firm knowledge of who you are, someone else’s estimation of your value simply becomes irrelevant. It’s not that you think you are wonderful, or that you think you are terrible. 

Rather it’s that you have come to understand that the worth of your soul is not defined by anyone’s opinion, even your own.

You realize that the value of your soul is incalculable, and so is everybody else’s.

It begins with a careful examination of all that you are. It’s not that you are unaware of your faults, rather that you accept them. 

That can be hard to do, because most of us have been taught all of our lives that we are imperfect, unacceptable and broken. In order to justify that belief, we assign intention to our unintentional failures, we accredit cruelty to our reflexive response to trauma, and we attach shame when our best efforts do not yield a perfect response.

In order to find peace with yourself, you must first forgive yourself.

If that sounds impossible, it’s because you are still stuck in the lies that you have allowed to scar your soul. Removing those beliefs is never easy, and you’ll usually release a lot of emotion along the way. 

Very often you’ll cry tears of sadness amidst tears of joy, as you come to accept all that you are now with all that could be. It isn’t simple, it isn’t easy and is certainly isn’t something to be taken lightly.

But when you know you, as only you can know you, you find a new sense of judgment.

Because all of a sudden your judgment of yourself is the only one that really matters. It’s not that you don’t take other people’s opinions into consideration, but that you understand that the final judgment on your value is yours alone. 

Suddenly you become your own person, a shining consciousness, a person of peace, at peace with the world.

And everything changes.

Because when no one’s opinion can hurt you, you fear no one’s opinion. Suddenly you can talk with others and share your truth kindly, gently and honestly. When you have nothing to fear, you find love in abundance for all, for none can hurt you. 

And in your journey to understand all that you have been through, you’ll understand all that they have been through as well. And then your heart is softened and you weep.

Because you finally see the value of their soul, reflected in the value of your own.

Dr. Alan Barnes