Morning Reflection: Away is never enough

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Away is never enough.

A good friend of mine once sold his company for a significant amount of money. After many years of working himself to the bone, he was in position where he would never have to work a day in his life again. 

He vowed to spend the rest of his life as a world traveler, enjoying the sights and sounds of different cultures and different countries.

And it lasted for a few short months.

Soon he was back, creating a business that he feels very passionate about, looking to change lives for the better again. He discovered a secret that others before have found, and once this resonates within your soul, it will change not only how you spend your days, but what you choose to focus on in the quiet moments of your soul.

The secret is simple: Away is NEVER enough, you have to have something you are moving towards.

If you want to make powerful changes in your life, the secret is in actually having both. Something you are running from, but also something you are running to. 

When I lost over 140lbs in 18 months, it began as a combination of running from the terrible health and potential life ending circumstances I had created for myself, but also running towards the things that I saw as possible if I reached the end goal of looking and feeling the way that I wanted. 

And what I was running to kept driving me onwards, pushing me harder to achieve the goals that I set.

But sometimes, what we are running to may frighten us almost as much as that which we are running from. 

If our dreams are bigger than we feel comfortable with (which they should always be), we may become scared of the possibility of failure, and find ourselves stuck in a possibility paralysis, where we find action more terrifying than inaction. 

In this state, we allow our fears to override our desires, and we experience that terrible sensation of being ‘stuck’.

We become unwilling to break through the terror that we have created in our own minds, missing out on all the possibilities for meaning, growth and happiness out of a desperate desire to avoid a sense of failure, which is really a fear of not being worthy of being loved, and of ending up alone.

Have you ever considered how the words ‘sacred’ and ‘scared’ are almost exactly the same?

If you are looking to make any kind of a change in your life, I invite you to consider why you really want this change, and to become very clear on the things that you think you will get out of it. Then focus on those just as hard on that as you do the painful things that are making you desire to change in the first place. 

The more that you become focused on the happiness you will receive from doing, not just the peace you seek from not being where you are, you will find within you a wellspring of strength that will carry you into the land of dreams, and the home of your joy.

Focus forwards, move onwards, dream upwards.

Peace is found in progress, not procrastination.

— Dr. Alan Barnes