The journey inwards.
When we are born, the world is a new and fascinating place. So many people to meet, things to do, places to go and experiences to feel. We go through our childhood and teenage years filled with wonder and excitement, with our awareness outwards, focused on the world.
That works for a while, and it’s wonderful. It’s new, fun, different and exhilarating.
But eventually we reach that point where things are no longer as easy, and the solutions that we seek are not evident in the world outside of ourselves. Over a period of time, which is different for everyone, we eventually arrive at the understanding that in order to change our experiences, we have to change our focus.
And go inwards.
With the beginning of our journey, we move from comfortable, safe and easy into a battleground where the landscape is confusing, the enemy elusive and the answers often make little sense.
Finding truths in the depths of our soul can be incredibly difficult, as we seek to tease truth from the myriad of emotions which swirl in a maelstrom around our choices, fears and tears.
Each truth illuminates another step on the journey, and slowly you progress into the realm of self knowledge, where the bedrock foundation of your soul is laid bare for your understanding, and you begin to live your life in a state quite unlike any you have experienced before.
For the prize of self awareness is a power that allows you to shape not just your destiny, but your very definition. Gone are the questions that plagued you about your feelings, your reactions, your doubts and your fears.
The closer you come to the ultimate knowledge of yourself, peace becomes your guardian, knowledge your shield, a sense of calm your rudder, and a desire to serve your fuel.
When once you have reached an accord within yourself, the thoughts and behaviors of others cannot harm you, for you have gone beyond their dimension, breaking through into a glorious elevation where you are the judge of yourself, and no earthly opinion brings you down.
For who knows you better than yourself, and finding balance within yourself, you step forward in the true service of others. Not for any selfish desire, or need to quench a painful fire in your soul, but simply because you know it your heart that it is right, and just.
When once you journey inwards, you are changed, and will see with new eyes, serve with a new heart, love with a greater intensity and resonate at a higher frequency.
The journey is hard, but the rewards, they are enlightening, ennobling, empowering and eternal.
I beg you to start your journey today. Who knows who you will become.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes