We are so much the same, yet we focus so much on our differences.
Have you ever marveled at humanity? Sure, we are a crazy, messed up, frail and insecure race, and at times we are capable of incredible stupidity and unkindness.
But do you ever stop to admire just how alike we are, and how much good we can do together?
In my studies to become a healer, I have treated the living and examined the dead, and I have learned some powerful truths along the way. As a rule, we all function the same way. We have hearts that beat, blood that moves, lungs that exchange gases and a nervous system that processes our experiences in this ‘reality’ that we inhabit.
We all have needs. We all want, we all have our values, and often we fall short of the version of ourselves that we would like to be. We cry, we laugh, we care, and we fear.
We are so much alike. We may have different skin colors, different beliefs about how the universe and life came to be, and different ideas about how we need to conduct ourselves as a society.
But our differences as so small compared to our similarities.
Today, I would like you to see yourself reflected in someone who you might not think is that much like you. Maybe someone who disagrees with you, or worships a different way, or even who has hurt you in the past.
Focus your attention on the things you do that are the same, the same needs that you have, the same fears and hopes. If you spend long enough looking, you’ll come to see that you are much more alike than you are different.
I hope that as you realize our common humanity, you will feel a greater connection and sense of belonging in the world. The more we feel isolated, the larger our troubles seem, but the more we sense that we are in fact the same, the more valuable you will see yourself and others.
Once you realize how valuable we all are, how precious our connection to this life and each other is, you will find more peace, joy, harmony and love in your world.
Today, I invite you to connect.
And grow.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes