What were you born to do?
If there has been one question that I have struggled with in my life, it’s that one. Was I born just to live, love, grow old and experience that which life has to offer?
There was a time in my younger years when that was enough, but as I have grown older, and become more aware of who I am, I have felt the irresistible pull of the highest of our 6 human needs.
I have felt a deep, overwhelming desire to contribute, and make a difference in the world. This work, these reflections, is part of that desire to share the things I have learned in the hope that I might lessen the suffering of others.
I heard once that your life begins on the day you find out why you are here, and I completely agree with that statement.
So I would ask you – why are you here, and how do you know when you have found your purpose?
Why is purpose important? Because purpose brings its own magic, its own power and a sense of serving something greater than yourself. When you find your purpose, the universe seems to align, and opportunities and knowledge flow towards you.
I had the chance once to sit down with an older lady who was crying profusely, and talk with her about her problems. She opened up to me, and shared the deepest concerns of her heart.
In the space of about 45 minutes, we were able to help her find a truth in her own mind which gave her a direction that had eluded her for over 20 years. Although the solution to her problem was hard, she found a strength in that truth that supported her, and gave her the courage to do what she knew she must.
I cannot tell you to this day how I knew the right things to say to her to help her. I believe it was my purpose coming out in me, and allowing me to be a conduit for knowledge and healing.
When I act in accordance with my purpose, there is such a sense of alignment with the universe that I find it hard to contain my joy. Watching people grow into themselves and find a greater sense of peace and happiness is a humbling thrill that never gets old.
Indeed, it is becoming an addiction that I feel will be with me until my last breath.
If you have never seriously considered your purpose, I would beg you to start now. I believe with all my heart that each of us has something of good to offer to the rest of humanity, and that becoming a more purpose centered people will lift us to the heights of which we are capable.
When you find your purpose, all of your previous experiences will be seen anew, as lessons you had to learn to bring you to the place where you can serve today.
Find your purpose; live it, love it, and lose yourself in it.
And you will have joy.
-- Dr.Alan Barnes