Morning Reflection: Trying to balance opposing forces

april 18.jpg

Trying to balance opposing forces.

A very dear friend of mine asked me a difficult question a while ago. We had been discussing a subject on which we have some difference of opinion. After we talked for while, she looked at me very intently, and asked “you don’t lose many arguments do you”?

My answer was that I try to never get into an argument, because when an argument occurs we lose sight of what is right in favor of trying to be right.

The truth is that whenever we argue with someone, the first casualty is kindness, the second is reason, the third is our shared humanity, and the final casualty is the truth.

For me, a discussion is a way for people to try to discover truth. This involves respect, a willingness to listen, a desire to understand and a compassion to achieve a balance together.

The attempt to balance opposing forces is the hallmark of a great human being, and the lack of an attempt to find balance is the mark of a tyrant.

Unfortunately in the world today we see too many in leadership who seek the tyranny of opinion, not the balance of forces.

Balance requires that you humanize those who disagree with you, and balance invites that you find a solution that cares for those who disagree with you as much as those who agree with you.

Balancing requires a deep humility, in that we shed our personal desires for significance and certainty, and instead allow the truth to lead us in the direction that best uplifts and serves all who are impacted.

The search for the balance of opposing forces begins deep within us, as we make peace with ourselves, and then desire that same peace for all who we can touch.

Humility, kindness, benevolence and a search for balance are the soul-prints of those who can guide us towards the very best of ourselves.

May we ever be found trying to balance opposing forces, and leading others towards greatness.

Balance is the key to life.

Balance is the blueprint to peace.

Balance will lead you home.

--Dr. Alan Barnes