The 3 Truths.
I have been meditating recently on the nature of human interactions. It amazes me that we as a people, a species, are able to communicate with each other, through the written and spoken languages that we have created.
Language describes concepts that we share, but those concepts are unique to our own understanding. We navigate reality with language, in a desperate attempt to define the unknown, and to bring order from the chaos. Language allows us to define truths.
But that truth is always relative.
In any interaction, there are 3 truths.
If you and I meet and talk, there is the truth I take away from the moment, based in my understanding of concepts of language, the meanings I derive from our conversation based on my past experiences and my own needs, and the misunderstandings that arise from our inability to fully express ourselves.
You walk away from that same interaction with your truth, based on the same events I just outlined.
And then there is the summation truth, which is the outcome of the ongoing interaction based on our flawed perceptions from all that we achieved.
As I seek for greater peace in my soul, I am focusing on achieving a greater understanding of all the interactions I experience.
I am trying to assume less, ask more questions, and listen with a greater intensity to the summation truth that arises from the time I spend with others.
Communication is a blessing, a gift, a saving faculty, and if we allow it, an ennobling serenity.
True communication, both verbal and physical, allows us to define our ongoing experience of reality in a way that evokes meaning, and creates a sense of the sublime from the everyday.
Communication takes time, patience, sincerity, humility and desire.
May we communicate today at a deeper level, commensurate with our shared humanity.
That we may draw closer to each other, and find joy therein.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes