Morning Reflection: A struggle for meaning

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A struggle for meaning.

Deep in our past, we as a species struggled for survival. Against the elements, against the wildlife, against rival tribes, against rival countries.

As we have slowly conquered the elements, subdued the savage beasts, found a way to live in less destructive ways with each other and forged a kind of peace unknown for the majority of our history, we have unwittingly set our feet on a pathway to our next frontier.

The struggle to find meaning. 

Technology has increased the time in which we have to sit, to think, to ponder and to discover, but we still struggle to find our place in the world, our reason for being here.

I talk with too many people who in their heart feel a discontent, a relentless vacancy of their spirit, a constant absence that steals their peace and torments their soul.

In all of our efforts to prolong and improve life, we have yet as a species to move into a balance of an enlightened existence. We focus on comparison, when we need more compassion. We spend more time in distraction than we do in meditation, and find comfort in conflict instead of connection.

If we are to grow into our potential, then we must find new meaning in our existence, and need to be kinder in our differences.

To exist is not enough. 

Our sentience and our souls demand a higher level of being, a more compassionate level of service. 

We have to stand in our own place, and declare through our words and our actions that in spite of our differences we can overcome our divisions. That although we disagree, we need not be disagreeable. That we are more than contention, and greater than our fears.

If we are to find meaning in our moments, then we must find that which ennobles our existence, and those actions which bring serenity to our souls.

We are greater than our basest desires, more faithful than our deepest fears, and more powerful than we can imagine.

Seek, and you will find. Meaning may be found in both movement and meditation.

Meaning is serving. Serving brings meaning.

If you would silence the storms of your soul, find meaning in the difference you can make in the lives around you.

And serve.

-- Dr. Alan Barnes