The way I choose to think.
One of the hardest truths that I’ve ever had to learn is that I have both the ability and responsibility to choose how I think about life.
For many years, I fought against this idea, holding onto the belief that my unconsidered, unquestioned and non-intentional reactions and thoughts were the only ones that had validity, that were ‘real’; and that thoughts and feelings that were the result of a deliberate attempt to change how I felt about the life and the universe were ‘fake, manufactured and somehow unworthy’.
Only after years of self study did I finally realize that most of my ‘non-intentional reactions’ were just as false as the thoughts that were generated from reflection and conscious choice. My non intentional thoughts/feelings were built on a bedrock of incorrect assumptions, unconscious evasions and selfish manifestations.
I wanted a universal truth, a singular focus, a world without the responsibility of self government, where I could react without thinking and see the world through a simple lens.
I truth, I wanted certainty and simplicity, and I was seeking to evade the responsibility of a sentient mind.
Time has changed that for me. As I study deeper into quantum physics and the power of intention, I am drawn to the truth that how we see and feel about our world determines how we make our way in it.
One persons problem is another person’s portal. In truth, most of my problems are in fact pathways to progression, if I can only learn to see them as such, but because they may be painful and difficult to confront, I shy away from them and call them ‘problems’.
Conscious thinking converts chaos into capability, problems into possibilities, and pain into power. It all begins with the decision to think and feel intentionally, to reason rather than react, and to respond rather than recoil.
Only when I change how I think can I alter the way I show up in my life.
Today, I choose to engage my intention and determine that even though storms may surround me, I will see them as winds to push me forward.
The journey may be bumpy, it may be painful and at times it may scare me to my core.
But that’s ok. Life is about how you choose to see the ride you are on.
What problem in your life is really a potential?
-- Dr. Alan Barnes