Morning Reflection: What is your purpose?

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What is your purpose?

In Latin, there is a phrase, ‘sine qua non’, which translated comes out to “without which there is nothing”. Another way of phrasing this is “that which without”, meaning a core part of something, without which the whole would be pointless or worthless.

Lately, I have come to the realization that what has been missing in my life for so long is alignment with my purpose.

This misalignment has manifested as sadness, being easily distracted, a feeling like every day is that same as the one before, and that life has lost the energy that made it magical.

It has also shown up as confusion, fear, anxiety and, most noticeably, as a feeling of being truly, deeply and profoundly lost.

It is a terrible thing to know exactly where you are, and to know that you are not where you should be, and that you have no idea where that is.

Almost 18 months ago my life changed radically, and I was forced into an ongoing period of uncertainty which haunts me every day. I still feel like I am not where I am supposed to be, but not so much in a geographical sense, more in terms of what I am doing with my life.

In short, I am not in alignment with my purpose. As I struggle to find and align with what I believe is the reason for my existence, there are moments when I feel in alignment and there is a sense of power; a sense of devotion to something greater than myself; an enlightenment of my soul; and access to knowledge that flows through me.

Those moments, fleeting though they are, leave me deeply moved, and full of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of a purpose which is greater than I am.

In trying to align, find balance and serve, I have come to believe that finding out why you are here is the day you really become alive.

While I can’t tell you exactly what my purpose is right now, I am hopeful that I am beginning to understand at least the essential nature of what I will devote the rest of my life to.

Because when you find your reason, your ‘sine-qua-non’, you will understand what your life is about, and I hope that you will serve your cause, your truth, and your passion with everything you have to give.

I truly believe that we all have something to contribute.

To quote Yoda, “luminous beings we are, not this crude matter”.

Your being, is about being you. Authentic, alive and amazing.

Why are you here, and are you living it?

-- Dr. Alan Barnes