Where are you going?
Where you are is nowhere near as important as where you are going. Where you have been cannot determine your future.
Past experiences are just that – past. The direction you choose today, this hour, this minute, will determine your destination and destiny.
Sometimes it may seem that we do not have choices, that we are constrained by life and our responsibilities, but often we ignore that we have choices, and are refusing to make them.
When we take responsibility for our choices, even the ones that we feel we don’t have, then the world opens up for us at a new level, as we take ownership of our lives.
You have been given time as your birthright, intelligence as your heritage, freedom as your endowment and courage as your compainion. What you choose to do with these is your own responsibility.
Yes, life often throws us curveballs, and yes, there is injustice, unfairness and inequality, but life in all of its varieties and complexities is yours for the taking.
You just have to decide where you want to go.
And begin.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes