A single point of light.
Have you ever wondered why we use light and dark to signify good and bad, happy or sad?
Partly because we like the simplicity, because we don’t have to think about the details. Again, we are binary creatures, and we like things that fall into a simple analogy.
But I think we also use light and dark because it accurately describes how we process our sense of sight.
In the presence of light, we can see all around us. In the presence of darkness, we see very little.
While this is true in the physical world, this is also true in the emotional/spiritual world.
There are people in your world who light your way, who help you see your very best self and realize who you can become. There are also people who darken your way, bring you down from the best you can be, and make you question who you are, and what you are worth.
Each of us has the choice to be a point of light for someone, or a mist of darkness for someone.
It’s your choice. Regardless of your circumstances.
Today, I choose to be a point of light.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes