The metrics of self worth.
How do you judge your self worth?
By what standards do you see yourself, and what measurements do you find value in?
You have value, because you exist. Who is to say that one person is of more value than another.
Each person, each life, has the capacity to help, serve, learn and become.
Self worth is vital to your confidence, your courage, your commitment and communications.
If you judge yourself to be of less worth than others, then you invite pain and unhappiness into your life.
There is no nobility in demeaning yourself, there is only denial of the great potential that you have.
Just know that you have value. You have worth. Even if you don’t see it right now.
I have never met anyone who wasn’t important, and I’ve never met someone who had no value.
You are important. You have value.
If you doubt that, ask me, and I will tell you why.
-- Dr. Alan Barnes