Morning Reflection: Faith in what you don’t know

Oct 9.jpg

Faith in what you don’t know.

What do you believe in? No, don’t raise your hand, just keep the answer to yourself. Maybe it’s your faith in God, or your belief in reincarnation, or your belief in Karma. 

Whatever you believe in, today I’m going to ask you to believe in something that you might not have considered before.

Having faith in what you don’t know.

The longer I’m alive, the more things I find to challenge my beliefs in just about everything. Yet I’m also finding that I have faith in things that I have no idea about. Because in this crazy universe, there are so many things that we don’t understand, and things we don’t even know about that we don’t understand either.

Do I sound crazy yet? Keep going, I’m sure I’ll get there.

Three hundred years ago, if you had tried to explain to people that one cause of sickness was an organism, a life form, that was so small you couldn’t see it, people would have laughed at you, yet it was true. 

Imagine trying to explain to people back then that everything in your body was coded in your DNA, an organic datafile in your cell so small that we can’t see it. How do you think you would have been treated?

Straightjacket maybe…or worse! Yet both of those were true, and these truths have improved our lives.

As a Doctor, I am haunted by the realization that 200 years into the future, someone is looking back at me like I am an idiot, and trying to understand how I could be so ignorant as to miss a wonderful truth that to them is so self evident, and yet for me is a mystery.

But it doesn’t have to be that immense, it can be smaller things. I was born almost 5000 miles away, and at the time of my birth, if you had mapped out the way my life has turned out, people would have laughed at you, and said it was too fantastical to be true. 

Yet things which were unseen, and unthinkable, came to pass, and here I am.

Writing on a laptop that was unthinkable, connected to an internet that was unimaginable, so far away from home as to be unfathomable to me at that time.

Blessed with a wife and 2 boys who give so much joy and meaning to my life. 
It’s incredible and I didn’t know any of it.

So now, I’m learning to have faith in the things that I can’t possibly know. If you want you can call this optimism, but I choose to feel that it is more than that. 

The deeper I study into meditation, quantum physics and the power of intention, I am awed and amazed by the power that faith/intention has in this universe.

My belief that there are things that as yet completely unknown to me, and yet so great for me, allows me to invite them into my life, and by the very power of that intention help them manifest into being.

So today, don’t just have faith in what you know, spare a little faith for that which you don’t know.

Because it’s out there, and it’s going to be amazing.

— Dr. Alan Barnes