Facing your problems together.
I wish we could sit down together, just you and I, and discuss your problems. I know you have them, we all do, it’s how you know you are still alive. If only I could remove all of them from you, and leave you free of heartache, pain, loneliness, fear and regret.
I wish there was more I could do to lift you up every day, and help you through the troubles that beset you.
That’s the whole purpose of this project, this work that has taken me over. I’ve been writing these reflections now for the past 10 months, and by my calculations, I’ve written over 200 pieces.
And it doesn’t feel like it’s enough, not even remotely.
In saying this, I don’t mean to tell you that I have the answers to all of your problems; believe me when I tell you I’m not that crazy. But if for no other reason, I would like you to know that someone cares, someone is listening, and someone wants to help. Maybe that’s all you need right now, to know that someone cares.
Because knowing that someone cares can change everything.
Yet I also realize that problems are really growth opportunities for us, chances to learn the lessons of eternity that we need in order to find a balance and a peace in this universe.
It’s just that sometimes the problems come thick and fast, in some cosmic alignment designed to totally knock you down, and keep you there.
It’s often known as a divine storm (although there are other descriptions for it as well).
I’ve written before about trying to change my mindset during a particularly bad storm of trouble, asking myself, “How is this happening for me” rather than “Why is this happening to me”.
Every time I remember to change my perspective, I find a lightening of the load and a clearer mind that can focus on solutions rather than self pity and sadness.
I’m also well aware that sometimes it’s hard to change your focus when you can’t see where your next step is, let alone the direction to chart through the storm.
So I’d like to help you.
Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to make some time available for conversations with those of you who need a friend to talk to, or someone with whom you can discuss a problem, or even just someone to vent to.
I’m a good listener, and honestly, I’m almost completely unshockable. We can just chat, and at the very least, You’ll know that someone cares.
But who knows, maybe we’ll find a direction together, or a new perspective, that can help you find some clarity or understanding as to how to move forward with whatever it is that bothers you.
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, feel free to message me and we’ll see what we can do to make it happen. My time isn’t unlimited, but we’ll do what we can.
I am here for you. Honestly.
— Dr. Alan Barnes